Rhythmy 7.3.2 20181230 Patch

Patch id: 732_20181230

This patch includes several enhancements and bug fixes.  Support for the native Microsoft SQL Server driver has been added and desktop content explorer use cases have been updated.  Customers using the open source Image Editor solution will now be able to patch thier systems to the current patch level. 


Downloads are available via the support portal at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com

Previous Patches

This patch includes the following changes:

Change Description

[RHYT-2585] - Missing content types listing in content browser search dialog

An issue was reported where the Content Type list was empty in the Content Browser search dialog when adding content to a slot from the Desktop Content Explorer.  This issue has been corrected in this patch. 

[RHYT-2586] - Content browser search dialog throws parse error when used in DCE

An issue was reported when the pre-6.7 version of the Content Browser Search dialog was enabled and used in the Desktop Content Explorer, the search form did not work and displayed browser errors.  This issue has been corrected in this patch. 

[RHYT-2588] - Patch fails to uninstall with eclipse/configuration error

When patching a server that has never had the Workbench run on it (typically a Linux server), the patch uninstall was failing due to a missing backup file that was correctly optionally backed up.  This issue would cause the patch to fail to uninstall completely with an error.  This issue has been corrected in this patch. 

[RHYT-2590] - Extensions that use ehcache fail to start after patching due to system cache manager being unamed

After updating to the latest patch, customers with the public source Image Editor extension configured, were unable to start the Percussion Service after patching due to an update to the caching engine.  This issue has been corrected in this patch, and an official release for the current patch level has been posted on the Image Editor's GitHub page. 


[RHYT-1603] - Add support for the official Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

Support has been added for the official Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver.  The Microsoft driver is now supported for database publishing, external datasources, and for access to the Content Repository database.   For more information see this page on the help site. 

[RHYT-2581] - Update Jetty to 9.4.14 version

The jetty server version has been updated to the 9.4.14 from the 9.4.7 version for performance and security related updates.  For more information on the jetty server updates included in this patch, please see the following change descriptions:


Known Issues / Limitations

RHYT-2575 Workflow Notifications: Invalid notification template results in template source code being emailed

It is important to validate that Workflow Notifications have valid Velocity syntax when setting up custom notification templates.  Syntax errors will result in malformed notification messages.  This will be resolved in a future patch. 

RHYT-2574 Workflow Notification Content Item Velocity Bindings are only referenceable via ${fieldname} syntax

The bindings for notification templates currently require that ${fieldname} syntax be used to reference content item fields.  $fieldname $!fieldname or $!{fieldname} syntax does not currently work for these bindings.  This will be addressed in a future patch. 

RHYT-2576 Workflow Notifications - double links are sent if ${wflink} or $!{wflink} used intead of $wflink by template developer

When adding links to custom notification templates, the $wflink variable must be used.  $!wflink, ${wflink} or $!{wflink} will result in a second notification link being appended to the notification message.  This will be addressed in a future patch. 

RHYT-1935 - Folder with old name need to be removed manually after publishing.

Once a folder name is changed and publishing is done, the new folder is published to the publish location, however, the folder with the old name is still present in that location and currently needs to be removed manually.