Rhythmyx 7.3.2 December 2017 Patch

Here you can find information regarding the latest Rhythmyx patch release.  Please see the support portal at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com for access to product Downloads and Patches.

Patch id: 732_20171201


Downloads are available via the support portal at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com

This patch includes the following:

Change List

  • RHYT-210 - Miss-fired quartz trigger in server.log
  • RHYT-1609 - Auto Slot Cross site links issue when content exists in multiple sites
  • RHYT-1710 - Selecting Folders returning 0 results, exception thrown
  • RHYT-1716 - SAN Certificate Not Working With Workbench
  • RHYT-1717 - Extensions/Extensions.xml being truncated to 0 bytes
  • RHYT-1720 - Windows service fails if Oracle JDK is not installed
  • RHYT-1633 - JSCH SFTP client needs ability to load which key exchange algorithms to use.
  • RHYT-1708 - Add sql.jsp and logs.jsp to the Rhythmyx test folder for support

Change Description

RHYT-210 - Miss-fired quartz trigger in server.log

A change was made to how the system handles misfired scheduled jobs.  After applying the patch when there is a Schedule Task that has missed it's execution time (for example when a server was stopped for maintenance), all missed scheduled jobs would be executed immediately when the service was restarted.  This would generate an error in the server log on startup and would cause problems on systems that make heavy use of scheduled jobs for publishing.  Impact of the change is that after this Patch, when the server is started, any jobs that missed their execution time are skipped on startup, and will be executed at their normal times. 

RHYT-1609 - Auto Slot Cross site links issue when content exists in multiple sites

When using Auto Slot query's that contains content that has been involved in 'Copy As Link' operations on multiple sites, with the mayHaveCrossSiteLinks property set to true, the system would generate the link to the first site it found, even if there was a copy found under the site being published.  After the change, the system will use the Site that is being published when generating links to the item if there is a copy under that site, if not it will generate the link using the other sites Location Scheme. 

Related Notes

  1. Setting mayHaveCrossSiteLink=true in Slots is unnecessary.  The system always defaults to this behavior being true in version 7.3.2 and greater. 
  2. When building slot queries, the sys_contentid and sys_folderid parameters are required on this version for slot item links to be generated correctly in Auto Slot queries. 

RHYT-1710 - Selecting Folders returning 0 results, exception thrown

This issue affected Rhythmyx users that use the Oracle database as the backend with version 7.3.2.  On such systems, folders with 1000 or more items would fail to list content after upgrade to the 7.3.2 version. 

The following error is displayed in server.log files affected by this issue:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/ejb/plugins/cmp/jdbc/WrappedStatement
at com.percussion.util.PSSqlHelper.getOracleStatement(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.util.PSSqlHelper.setDataFromCollection(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementColumn.setData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementBlock.setColumnData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementGroup.setColumnData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementGroup.setColumnData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementGroup.setColumnData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSStatementGroup.setColumnData(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.data.PSQueryStatement.execute(Unknown Source)

After applying the patch this problem is resolved. 

RHYT-1716 - SAN Certificate Not Working With Workbench

Developers using the Workbench to connect to a Rhythmyx instance protected by a SAN SSL Certificate (an SSL certificate with multiple Subject names) were unable to connect and use the Workbench over SSL.  The system has been enhanced to add support for SAN certificates to the workbench.  After applying this patch, Developers should re-install their local Rhythmyx Developer Tools from the patched server. 

RHYT-1717 - Extensions/Extensions.xml being truncated to 0 bytes

On ungraceful service shutdowns,  an intermittent condition could cause the Extensions.xml file to be truncated to zero bytes.  This would cause the service to fail to restart unless this file was restored from backup.  The shutdown code was updated to avoid this scenario and a new backup of the Extensions.xml is created before the system edits the file.  Extensions.xml is the registry for all extensions installed on a Rhythmyx instance, system or custom.

RHYT-1720 - Windows service fails if Oracle JDK is not installed

This change affects only Windows Server users who are installing Rhythmyx on a server with no previous Oracle JDK installation.  The system will now allow for the Rhythmyx Jetty service to be installed even if an Oracle JDK is not installed on the server.   

RHYT-1633 - JSCH SFTP client needs ability to load which key exchange algorithms to use.

A new property was added to the <InstallDir>/rxconfig/Server/server.properties file.  This property configures the allowed Key Exchange Algorithms to be used for SSH/SFTP connections.  This is primarily useful when publishing to an SFTP server that has been securely locked down to a specific set of algorithms in a security hardened environment.

The new property is not added to the properties file automatically.  The default value for the KEX list is below:


RHYT-1708 - Add sql.jsp and logs.jsp to the Rhythmyx test folder for support

A new set of browser based diagnostic tools have been added to the server.  These tools are intended for use by developers or Technical Support when troubleshooting the system. The tools may be accessed by the following urls:

  • SQL Editor:  http://<your server>:<your port>/Rhythmyx/test/sql.jsp
  • Server Log Viewer:  http://<your server>:<your port>/Rhythmyx/test/logs.jsp

The SQL Editor allows for basic execution of native SQL commands against the backing content repository database.  The Server Log viewer allows for viewing of the server log from the web browser.  Note that in order to use these tools a user must be logged into an account with the Admin role. 

Known Issues

RHYT-1634 - fixes an issue where you could not save in the UI if setting up ssl. There is still an issue where the tool is only currently saving Jetty ssl configuration.  JBoss will need to be manually configured.   If you select a keystore to be used you should make sure you add the jetty server keystore in the jetty\base\etc folder and use just the filename in the UI. in the base\etc\installation.properties file that is updated by the UI the selected filename will be appended with 'etc/' to make it relative to the jetty\base folder. Currently selecting a Full windows path e.g. starting with "c:\" will cause the service to fail to start.