Rhythmyx 7.3.2 20180905 Patch

Here you can find information regarding the latest Rhythmyx patch release.  Please see the support portal at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com for access to product Downloads and Patches.

Patch id: 732_20180928

This patch includes several enhancements and bug fixes.  Workflow Notifications have been updated to support authentication over SSL/TLS and have been improved to utilize the Velocity 2.0 templating engine (more details below).  In addition, the Velocity tools (JsonTool, MathTool, NumberTool, etc.)  have been updated to version 3.0 and are included by default.


Downloads are available via the support portal at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com

Previous Patches

This patch includes the following changes:

Defects Corrected

[RHYT-1945] Missing rxconfig/Server/velocity.properties file causes some user velocity macros and templates to fail to parse correctly

The rxconfig/Server/velocity.properties file that controls the configuration of Velocity 2.0 in a Percussion deployment was not correctly deployed by previous patches.  This caused some backwards compatibility issues for specific Velocity syntax in some templates.  After patching, this configuration file will now be correctly deployed and used to configure various options in the Templating Engine. A reference for the configuration file can be found here.

[RHYT-1947] Content-Type-Options secure header not using the correct default 'nosniff' setting

In cases where the requireXContentTypeOptions property was missing from the rxconfig/Server/server.properties file, the documented default of nosniff was not being set.  This has been corrected such that the secure header will default correctly if the configuration property is missing. 

[RHYT-1948] Velocity logging should be using the standard logging configuration

Velocity 2.0 improves on Velocities logging capabilities. Prior patches did not correctly configure the Velocity log system correctly.  The location of the Velocity log has changed.  See the Velocity logging page for more information. 

Known Issues

RHYT-1935 - Folder with old name need to be removed manually after publishing.

Once a folder name is changed and publishing is done, the new folder is published to the publish location, however, the folder with the old name is still present in that location and currently needs to be removed manually.