Rhythmyx 7.3.1 Update Release Notes

Rhythmyx 7.3.1 is a cumulative service release update for Rhythmyx 7.3.   This update requires execution of the upgrade installer due to the nature of the changes made in the Java technology update.  With the exception of custom Java Extensions, this release should be treated as an incremental security patch.  There are no major changes to the user interface or product functionality.


Download links are available on the Percussion Support Portal landing page.  Alternately you can email the Technical Support team and they will send you a download link.

Desktop Content Explorer

This version introduces the new Desktop Content Explorer for English {en-US} customers. You can learn more about the Desktop Content Explorer here. Multi-locale version will follow in the next patch.

Java 1.8 Security Update

The  Rhythmyx server has been updated to ship and run with Java 1.8 on the server.  Updating a Rhythmyx 7.3 server to the 7.3.1 Service Release will replace the Java 1.6 JRE deployed with the product with the updated Java 1.8 version of the JRE.  This insures that customers are running with a secure, currently maintained, and recently patched version of Java on the server. 

7.3 Patch Availability

As a service patch release focused on a security update, we encourage all customers to update to version 7.3.1.   Percussion will continue to make Patches available to customers running 7.3 until 12/31/2016.   Note that not all Patched functionality in 7.3.1, or the 7.3.2 updates will be available for back porting to 7.3.0

Windows 2003 Support Announcement

With the 7.3.1 update, Percussion has dropped support for Windows 2003.  Customers still running Windows 2003 will either need to upgrade their operating system to a Microsoft supported version prior to updating to 7.3.1, or continue to rely on 7.3 patches for updates.  Note that not all patched functionality on version 7.3.1 will be back-portable to 7.3. 

32-bit Support Announcement

Effective 12/31/2016 Percussion will officially drop support for 32-bit operating systems for Rhythmyx.  The next update (7.3.2) is the last install kit planned to support 32-bit for all supported operating systems.  Future releases will be delivered on 64-bit architectures only.

Solaris 64-bit Support Announcement

With the 7.3.1 update, Percussion has added support for 64-bit Solaris and dropped support for 32-bit Solaris. 

Edit Live Support and TinyMCE Announcement

Percussion will continue to provide updates to the EditLive Editor  for as long as Ephox provides them and customers need them, but we do recommend that all customers begin the switch to the Ephox TinyMCE editor as soon as they are able. The switch typically takes a few minutes in the Workbench, unless customizations are involved, and will eliminate the need for a Java Applet to edit Rich Text content.  7.3.1 contains an update to Edit Live for Java compatibility issues. Percussion will be discontinuing support for EditLive as of 12/31/2016.

Java Applet Announcement

Effective 12/31/2016 Percussion will discontinue support for Java Applets in favor of either the Desktop Content Explorer or the Fusion UI. 

User Administration link Removed from Workflow tab

As part of the initiative for an Applet free Rhythmyx, "Rhythmyx Administration tool" is no longer available through <User Administration> link from Content Explorer/Workflow tab.

Custom Java Extensions and Java 1.8

Long-time Customers may have custom Java Extensions to Rhythmyx that should be tested prior to updating a production server.  The Java 1.8 technology update introduces changes to Java that have the potential to impact custom Java extensions in a customer's deployment.

For this reason we recommend that Customers apply the update to a Development or Test server for the purpose of exercising custom Java extensions to verify compatibility with the new version of Java.

Percussion will provide temporary Development or Test licenses free of charge for any customer needing to validate the update in their environment.  Please create a support ticket at https://percussionsupport.intsof.com  to request a temporary license if required.

Percussion's Professional Services team is also available to perform system audits or updates to custom Java extensions for customer's requiring assistance with the update.  Please contact sales@percussion.com if you need a consultant's assistance.

Taxonomy Database Schema Update

The 7.3.1 update will automatically apply the taxonomy schema update, this manual step in the cumulative patch stream can be skipped in this update.

 New Changes in this Update

  • RHYT-331 - Java 1.8 Update
  • RHYT-244 - Binary cannot be downloaded/uploaded via WebDAV when binary content type has sys_File field
  • RHYT-424 - 7.3.1 Installer should fix incorrect JRE path in RhythmyxServer.lax file
  • RHYT-425 - Rx7.3.1 installer should update TAX_NODE table to include IS_NODE_SELECTABLE column
  • RHYT-435 - 7.3.1 - Update EditLive latest version
  • RHYT-199 - Remove User Administration Applets from the UI

Cumulative Patch Stream Included in this Update

 **RHYT-283 - Java 1.8 Update 45 > Causes Content Explorer to Lock Up and Free

- Upgraded the Ephox EditLive! version to
- Fixed issue where HTML5 tags were being dropped from the content editor
- Fixed Taxonomy Editor such that specific taxons can flagged to disallow selecting them in the Content Editor
- Fixed issue in the Content Editor where the save-state of the editLive! content was not being properly tracked
  resulting in extra pop-up warnings when closing the Content Editor

### Change List ###

**RHYT-154 - Content with HTML5 Tags disappears after first update**
**RHYT-135 - Taxonomy setLeaf method doesn't set value in the database**
**RHYT-172 - Ephox displays popup even when the editor is clean**
**RHYT-173 - EditLive! throwing exception on missing file**

############################################## Patch 730_20150405 #####################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- JRE8u45 support added
      Latest Desktop client support information can be obtained via the following link:
- Added missing files for AjaxSwing compatibility.
- Fixed a concurrent modification exception that can occur when loading a new user configuration.
- Fixed a concurrent modification exception that can occur when a new content item dependency map is created.
- Fixed Hashed Binary meta extraction of correct string for file name parameter.
- Update the roles cache properly so a restart is no longer required to pick up a modification to roles.

### Change List ###

**RHYT-71 - Ajax Swing files are missing after patch installation in linux**
**RHYT-56 - Web Services causes data corruption**
**RHYT-2 - In IE- Hashed Binary meta extraction extracts incorrect Filename to _filename field**
**D-02034 - Role changes require server restart**

############################################## Patch 730_20141208 #####################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed the issue with the Taxonomy API, where API related to the leaf node would not behave as expected.
- Fixed an issue where the incremental publishing edition will run repeatedly.
- Updated the documentation related to TinyMCE, as we do not support the "noneditable" plugin provided by TinyMCE.
- We now support Oracle 12c
- We now support JRE8u25

### Change List ###

**R-01111 - Taxonomy setLeaf method doesn't set value in the database.**
**R-01031 - Repeated consecutive publishing.**
**R-01067 - Adding "noneditable" plugin with "rxinline" plugin in tinyMCE configuration wouldn't render the content in the editor.**
**R-01146 - Latest JRE test.**

### Additional Steps ###

To have already installed Rhythmyx application to now point to Oracle 12c the steps mentioned in the below documentation should be done.


############################################ Patch 730_20140911 #######################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed the issue with the session warning, where the warning window would not show or would disappear very quickly and the session would just refresh and not time out.
- Fixed the issue where only one input transform rule would apply for any field in a content item.
- Fixed the issue with the close button which would not warn for the dirty Ephox field.
- Fixed the issue where the child table would display the tinymce editor only in the first row.
- Fixed the issue where the audit trail of a content item would not display the first check-in action.
- Fixed the issue where an incorrect job id is sent in the notification email when multiple editions are running.
- Fixed the issue with the ad hoc notification window, which was too small in size.
- Now supporting JRE8u11.

### Change List ###

**R-01044 - Session Warning and session doesn't time-out in Firefox and Chrome.**
**R-01069 - Only one input transform rule applies for any field value.**
**D-01972 - Close button does not warn on dirty Ephox field.**
**R-01070 - TinyMCE: will not display all content of child table field sets.**
**R-01058 - Audit Trail is not logging when the item is first checked in.**
**R-01059 - Incorrect publishingJobID sent in notification email with multiple editions running.**
**R-01071 - Ad hoc Notifications window size is too small for usability.**
**R-01078 - Rhythmyx support for JRE8u11.**

############################################ Patch 730_20140804 #######################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed issue with publishing editions terminating abnormally.
- Fixed issue with the browser window not loading when inserting inline template using content editor.
- Fixed issue with renaming of a community in the workbench throwing an exception.
- Fixed the issue where a unicode character would get converted to junk characters on an insert of inline template(title link).
- RxFix tool has been updated to do a clean up of the orphaned workbench folder nodes.
- Fixed issue with the TinyMCE control where the user was not able to move to next line after inserting an inline template.
- Fixed the issue with the close button not working in a content editor / child table editor window that contains a TinyMCE control.
- We are now supporting Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 for Rhythmyx.

## Change List ##

**R-01033 - Editions terminating abnormally post upgrade.**
**R-01018 - Rhythmyx 7.2/7.3 IE10 - Content browser loading issue in quirks mode.**
**R-01035 - 7.3 - Unable to rename a community via Workbench.**
**D-01722 - Decoding of unicode text while using this text as selected text for inline variant.**
**B-01648 - Update RxFix tool to clean up Orphaned hierarchy nodes with invalid parent id.**
**R-01045 - 7.3 - TinyMCE - Couldn't edit the content further after inserting an inline template.**
**R-01046 - 7.3 - TinyMCE - Content editor close button doesn't work after focus to TinyMCE control.**
**R-01015 - Support Windows Server 2012.**
**R-01017 - SQL Server 2012 Support.**

############################################ Patch 730_20140630 #######################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed Issue related to the control of taxonomy accordion which would show the id in place of text while viewing the content editor.
- Fixed issue related to the control of taxonomy accordion which would display id in place of name while getting displayed in the child table.

## Change List ##

**D-01730 - 7.3 -Taxonomy ids are displayed in "view content" page rather than label.**
**D-01637 - Taxonomy fields are not properly displayed on types with child tables. Only the numbers are displayed instead of the actual values.**

################################################ Patch 730_20140528 ###################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Included tinymce control for content creation and editing.
- Fixed issue with the logout button. This dialog box was misaligned in the Google Chrome browser.
- Fixed issue with the creation of content type with no templates associated with it.
- Introduced ability to turn off AssemblerCacheHandler(by setting value for disableAssemblerCacheHandler) in server.properties which when turned on can slow workflow transition and is not required when not using xsl templates.
- Fixed issue with timing and synchronization with PSSearchEngine.
- Fixed issue with slow check of association relationship dependencies when removing template from type.

## Change List ##

**B-01499 - Applet Removal - TinyMCE Core.**
**D-01451 - 7.3 Content Explorer Logout button misalignment in Chrome.**
**D-01494 - 7.2/7.3 Creating new content type with no template associated causes error thrown in content explorer.**
**D-01503 - Allow ability to turn off AssemblerCacheHandler in server.properties slows workflow when not using xsl templates.**
**D-01502 - Timing and synchronization issue with PSSearchEngine getInstance().**
**D-01497 - Slow check of association relationship dependencies when removing template from type.**

## Additional Steps ##

- For Tinymce to work properly, 'default_config.json' file needs to be added in the location Rhythmyx/rx_resources/tinymce/js/config. Please refer to default_config.json provided in the location Rhythmyx/sys_resources/tinymce.
- Also please refer to the tinymce documentation provided with this patch at location:
- You can turn off AssemblerCacheHandler by setting disableAssemblerCacheHandler=true in rxconfig/Server/server.properties.  Only set this if you do not use xsl templates.  This is an advanced trial feature and
should currently only be done with the support of customer success.

############################################### Patch 730_20140410 ####################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed performance issue related to ACLs causing a long time in item selections and menu action loading in content explorer and workbench.  Refer to Additional steps for more information.
- Fixed issue where RxFix tool was not adding binary tables related entries in the NEXTNUMBER table.
- Fixed issue where the system stripped linked images from Editlive fields in both preview and publish when the inline image was enclosed in inline link tags.
- Fixed encoding issue with inline content such as inline links when in a locale other than English.
- Changing system fields may have caused error label to appear as empty instead of defaulting to regular field label. An empty error label on a field should now always cause the correct default.
- Fixed issue where you could not submit login form using the enter key in IE 8 or IE 9.
- Fixed issue where changing tabs, minimizing or logging out did not save your current location in content explorer.
- Updated EditLive to latest version in order to fix issue with non-default locales causing EditLive to break.
- Fixed issue where the multi-server manager was not cleaning up content type application files when installing an archive where there was no schema provided with the content type.
- When using hashed binaries, filename is now always using uploaded filename for _filename field and not the original filename stored in the binary metadata.
- Fixed missing original site information when site folder fixup was not enabled when using location schemes.
- Removed extra `FLOAT: LEFT;` in templates.css from `.datadisplay` which was causing formatting issues in certain content types.  If you have a custom field control type that was reliant, then change your custom css as required.

## Change List ##

**D-01482 - 7.3 Fix performance of ACLs causing slow menu action load.**
**D-01489 - RxFix tool is not adding binary tables related entries in NEXTNUMBER table.**
**D-01475 - Image link getting stripped off in Editlive inline content.**
**D-01479 - 7.3 Incorrect inline content encoding in editlive for other than English locale.**
**D-01476 - When System_title field label missing,  Saving field would add empty Error Label.  Check was done on null only to see to use main Label instead.**
**D-01327 - Cannot submit login form using enter key in IE 9.**
**D-01465 - Not remembering user's folder location.**
**D-01484 - Updated EditLive 9 to latest version to fix issues with non-default locale.**
**D-01485 - MSM Creates Multiple Copies of same content type and does not clean up in the system.**
**D-01473 - Fixed always using same filename even if the file was renamed.**
**D-01480 - Fixed missing original site information when site folder fixup was not enabled.**
**D-01055 - Checkbox Group Control rendering indented in unsupported browser IE 9(IE11). **sss

## Additional Steps ##

 - Add the following caches to AppServer\server\rx\deploy\rxapp.ear\rxapp.war\WEB-INF\classes\ehcache.xml
    The "maxEelementsInMemory" is the suggested value, but subjected to change within the documentation.

           <cache name="PSAclImpl_Entries"
           <cache name="Role_Subjects"
           <cache name="Community_Roles"
        <cache name="PSAclEntry_Perms"
   In addition modify the following caches for ACL performance improvement:
        <cache name="PSAccessLevelImpl"
        <cache name="PSAclEntryImpl"
        <cache name="PSAclImpl"
   For additional information refer to the CMSystem cache optimization document.
 - MSM Server Changes:  
   Previously, installing an archive via the multi-server manager with a new content type but missing associated table schema resulted in a column missing error.  The content type application had some files left around in the system.  As of this patch, the content type is cleaned up if the table schema is missing and throws back an error noting the missing table.  When creating an archive using the multi-server manager you must include the table schema alongside the associated content type if the table schema is new or modified.  If including a shared field file, you must also include the associated table schema as well.

################################################### Patch 730_20140312 ################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed issues with database publishing when Rhythmyx was deleting the parent record before the child record if the database was missing cascade delete from the child record's foreign key constraint.
- Added original site information to location schemes, see Additional steps for more information.
- Fixed issue where having a site with no description would cause the inability to navigate while doing an edit all for an item.
- Performance fix for workbench folders and template/content type grouping affecting Content Explorer loading times.
- Updated the location generate information in the documentation located online. (http://help.percussion.com/cmsystem/).
- Fixed issue where draft items that had not been checked in were unable to be found through a search, items are now indexed when updated or added during the first revision, and after the revision increments when the item is moved to a public state.
- Added JavaScript to prevent newly submitted items from causing orphaned items.

## Change List ##

**D-01406 - Added implementation of doing a cascading delete,  this prevents Rhythmyx  from deleting the parent record before it deletes the children records. **
**D-01386 - Fixed inability to navigate to sites in content browser if no site description is provided in the site definition.**
**D-01417 - Fixed inline links being generated incorrectly.**
**D-01455 - Fixed JEXL testing to include original site information for inline links when using the new variables.**
**D-01414 - Fixed when search doesn't return new items that have not been checked-in.**
**D-01453 - 7.3 and 7.2 Content editor URL missing sys_folderid parameter on validation failure**

## Additional Steps ##

###Additional information when using inline links (D-01417)###

There is now additional information available for inline links when you use the new variables added in this patch.  In order to use these new variables, enter the publishing design tab  in Rhythmyx and choose a Location theme from the Site_Folder_Assembly context.  This new information will allow you to view both the site id and the original site id when you follow through an inline link.

Original Variables:






The new Variables:






A link to a page in the same site as the source item will have both sets of information be the same.  This information is important when linking from one site to another (cross site link);  previously
only the information from the destination site was available.

The location scheme testing panel in the location scheme editor of the Publishing Design tab now has the ability to set the Original and Destination Site.

################################################ Patch 730_20140214 ###################################################

## Changes In This Release ##

- Fixed issues when sys_folderid or sys_siteid exist in preview url without a value.
- Added new generate method for `$rx.location.generate` that allows passing of an assembly item for correct folder and site fixup, but allows overriding of the item , filter (e.g. "preview" or "public"), and context. Only the IPSAssemblyItem is required other values are set to defaults based upon context if null. Some error/warning messages have also been improved.
- Resolved missing commons-codec-1.3.jar in developer tools.

## Change List ##

**B-01480** - Removing the value of folderidstr and siteidstr will no longer cause an error during preview.
**D-01427** - Added new location generate parameters to handle missing case for customers where context of filter needed modifying.
**D-01438** - commons-codec-1.5.jar  has been changed to commons-codec-1.3.jar in buildDevToolsSource#2 in order to solve it from being missing.

## Additional Steps ##

Nothing needs to be done unless you see the following warning message in the server.log file.  If you are an advanced template developer you may be interested in the changed methods for future template design.

`method of $rx.location.generate with parameters templateinfo, item, folderpath, filter, siteid, context is deprecated`

Patch B-01331 Introduced a new version of `$rx.location.generate` that would allow site and folderid fixup to work correctly.

There was a required change in this patch (see instructions for B-01331) to the User Velocity Macros file to pass `$sys.assemblyItem` to make the current assembly folder
and site id available. This change deprecated the old method which also allowed the filter and the context to be specified.  Some customers may be using this legacy method in their own templates and a warning would be thrown.  The new version did not allow setting the filter or context.  This patch introduces another version of `$rx.location.generate` that allows setting the filter and context.

There are now three main versions of `$rx.location.generate` that can be used, excluding exsting methods using page number which have not changed.  In each case the folder and site id will be calculated and are obtained from the assemblyItem passed in and also using the folder and site fix up functionality if turned on. See Patch B-01299
This is the existing standard version used in rffSnTitleLink.  It generates a link to the default template of the item being rendered using the same context and filter

`public String generate(IPSAssemblyItem asm)`



The following allows a template id or template name to be passed in and also the node to create the link to.  This will error if the template is not allowed for the content type of the item passed in but will use the default template if templateinfo is null and will use the current item if the item is null.

`public String generate(IPSAssemblyItem asm, Object templateinfo, Node item)`


`$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, "rffPgEiGeneric", $sys.item)`

This is the same as above but also allows specifying a filter name and context.  These will be the same as the passed
in IPSAssemblyItem e.g. current page if null.

`public String generate(IPSAssemblyItem asm Object templateinfo, Node item, String filter, Number context)`


`$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, "rffPgEiGeneric", "public" , 1)`

############################################## Patch 730_20140124 #####################################################

-  This patch contains code to support AjaxSwing currently in beta.
-  The clone wizard has been fixed.
-  Fixed issues with missing ephox images and html5 css file when upgrading from certain versions.

## Known Issues ##

-  See separate AjaxSwing document with know issues and changes related to the AjaxSwing implementation

## Additional Configuration: ##

 - See AjaxSwing installation guide for instructions.

## Change List ##

**D-01426** - Site Clone Wizard Failing        
**B-01472** - ephox images and rx_ephox_html5.css missing

############################################## Patch 730_20131220 #####################################################

- Updated patch Readme format based upon Markdown syntax.  Additional information is now placed by patch it represents, if upgrading from a previous patch check for configurations that may not have been included for other patch versions between your current and this patch.
- This patch includes support for UTF-8 in Taxonomy administration
- Improvements to how siteid and folder id in Ephox inline relationships are modified when the dependent item is moved, the relationship may not have been fixed up previously when the previous site or folder id were invalid.  Also resolves issues fixing up these ids when multiple sites are mapped to the same site folder path.  There would not be much impact of this when site fixup is turned on as the link would be fixed up on assembly.
- Fixes for unpublishing.  Using a relative path such as ../EI_Home.war as the publish path would prevent unpublish from working correctly.
- fixes to pass isRemoval flag on assembly item correctly when item is being unpublished as part of the regular unpublish then publish, or unpublish is occuring from use of sys_unpublishChangedLocation=true property
- Fix for folder/siteid fixup code to link by default to the site set for the parent snippet if it exists and the current relationships do not define a particular site or folder, this more closely resembles the old behavior in this case.
- Fixes for threading issues in Content Explorer Applet
- sys_lang was not being passed correctly from EditLive when requesting for translated version of Inline buttons and menus.
- Sets Background connection validation checking by default.  This can have a major performance improvement for publishing in particular.  May require manually adding for old connections see additional steps.
- Some other general error handling fixes

## Known Issues ##

There is a known performance problem when first starting up content explorer and using the template and content type grouping options.  It can initially takes a long time to cache some information the first time the menu actions are accessed, this is not resolved by fixing the caching config. If this is a problem the you can turn off this feature until we patch the issue in **rxconfig/Server/server.properties**


## Additional Steps ##

New connections now add background connection validation,  existing connections you may need to manually modify the connection properties.  Edit **AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rx-ds.xml** file and add the following lines within the local-tx-datasource element

## Change List ##

**D-01330** - Taxonomy not supporting accent characters
**D-01389** - In IE Content Explorer page gets loaded in Quirks mode by default
**D-01400** - Publisher API not passing isRemoval flag
**D-01409** - sys_publish equals publish when unpublishing an item
**D-01410** - Unpublish failing to do removal when Assemble Item For Unpublish is selected
**D-01411** - Moving item to a different site does not update siteID in relationship if the item exists in a site as well as a staging site
**D-01416** - In folder/siteid fixup use site id of the parent snippet if there is one as the site hint when the parent snippet was inserted with an included siteid.
**D-76836** Handle codebase properly and replace PSHttpConnection with non static version.
**76821** Remove statics in applet and refernces to these statics in rxcx. Add null checks in PSContentExplorerApplet
**D-76838** Remove statics
**D-01415** - Html parameters in in request for translation package not passing sys_lang correctly - Applet InsertInline menu and button localization
**D-76847** Close Resultsets
**D-76846** Close stream correctly
**D-76845** Fix error handling on failed publish
**D-76844** Fix Exception eating stack
**D-76848** null pointer in updateSessionTimeout
**D-76605** deliveryhandler
**D-76854** Add background checking to rx-ds.xml file
**D-76853** Don't start auditlogreaper until spring started

## Additional Configuration: ##


################################################### Patch 730_20131125 ################################################

This patch includes a major performance improvemnt to the speed of incremental publishing when the core content list query selects from a large number of items. e.g. a large site with many thousands of items.  The order of processing has been modified to check the last modified date of all items before further processing or filtering.  

This patch also includes some enhancements to the folder/site fixup code, a memory leak that would only be apparent when publishing many times over many days without a server restart. Also a change to improve the performance of the Publishing Design tab that was more apparent for a customer who has over 300 sites.

**D-01398** Improve Caching of menu actions where only "targetStyle","target","launchesWindow" have changed.

If multiple Preview menu actions are created where only these properties are changed.  For example if options for different window sizes, this change prevents multiple calls to the server for the list of templates improving performance.  This is for a very particular use case where multiple menu options were being used where the only difference is the popup window size.

**D-01393** Resolved error when linking to items under //Folders

Adding templates to slots from under //Folders structure was causing an error.  It is still an error if we are attempting to generate a location to one of these items e.g. using rffSnTitleLink as the item does not have a publishing location within the site, but a reference to a callout stored in this structure e.g. rffBrief items or external link items would be allowed now.
**D-01399** Run Incremental filter before all others

Publishing and item goes through a series of steps to filter out the items from the content list query.   The incremental filter looks at the last modified date and was running after other filters.  This filter often removes most items from the list most quickly,  this has been moved to the first step and should improve performance for building the incremental content list for large sites where not many or no items have changed
**D-01396** Publishing Design Tab takes a long time to load   

Improves performance when there are a large number of sites.
**D-01402** Slow memory leak when using transactional publishing over many iterations

A reference to temporary files used in transactional publishing was not being cleared. This could cause the memory usage to increase slowly over many days when continuously publishing
############################################### Patch B-01383 #########################################################

The main purpose of this patch was to provide support for Java 7u45.  We recommend and support the latest version of the JRE to make sure our customers have the latest security fixes.  If this patch is installed and a user is on a previous JRE version they may see some serurity warnings return.

## Change List ##

**TK-01923** Updates for Java 7u45

Oracle added further changes to the security model in Java 7u45 requring developer changes to the packaging of applet code. This update
   addresses these issues and removes security warnings caused by the changes.  The required chages are incompatible with changes required since
   Java 7u21 to remove warning dialogs.  Unless the client JRE is updated to update 45 these warnings will return with this patch to users
   currently using older JRE versions since update 21.
   As with previous version since Java 7u21 users may still see a dialog from the Publisher PERCUSSION SOFTWARE and when accessing the Editor form
   from Ephox Corporation.  These will warn the following
   "This application will run with unrestricted access which may put your computer and personal information at risk.  Run this application only if you
   trust the location and publisher above"
   This warning is now required for the applets to function and communicate with the browser via Javascript.
   If the user selected the checkbox against "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above" they should not see these dialogs
   We recommend that all customers update to this Patch and Java version to take advantage of the security fixes Oracle have added in this release.
################################################### Patch B-01331 #####################################################

**Note** the improved template processing and Ephox may not work with old XSLT style templates from version 5.7 and before of the product and we suggest these templates are upgraded before upgrading to 7.3 or this patch.
This patch also uses a variety of other fixes listed below.

## Change List ##

**B-01300** Changed parser to remove extra HTMLTidy process and handle content that may not be well formed xml.

  Ephox has been updated also to version 9 in this process.  This change has many improvements over the existing
  field processing.  White space and other non xml content are now handled with minimal re-formatting.  Spacing
  from inline templates is now passed through without change so templates should be reviewed if a particular
  spacing/format is require.
  See the separate document for the full information about the changes.
**B-01321** Preview is not passing additional HTTP Parameters

Extra html parameters set up in workbench for Menus are now passed through to preview url making them available to template.
**B-01294** FTP unpublish issue

The file path for unpublish was sometimes miscalculated with ftp publishing causing unpublish failure.

**D-01189** Patch for folder and site ids improvements and fixes

See Additional Configuration from Patch B-01299
**D-01024** In content editor, calendar control's Today button does not populate current date calendar control

Control has been updated to a jquery control.  The "time" control parameter is still used to indicate if the date or both date and time should be used.
**D-01226** Adding a field to Contact Content type - Workbench Freezes

Adding and Removing fields no longer causes entire content table to be copied.  Changing field data type will still clone and recreate table.  A warning is provided as this can take a long time for large content tables and those containing binaries.
**D-01256** System validates for email id for notification even if notification is not enabled in workflow transition

Email address for all uses in transition role was being retrieved from LDAP even when no notification was being sent.
**D-01298** Error in assembly is not causing publishing failure

Some errors in assembly were not triggering failure of page to be published and error message would be delivered.

## Additional Steps ##

  The extra warning messages and prevention of table cloning on field deletion will not be available unless Workbench is upgraded.  This patch
  provides a new workbench version which can be downloaded from the server from the following path.

## Modify User Velocity Macros ##

An old form of `$rx.location.generate` used in imghelp macro which comes with the Fast Forward User Velocity macros file does
  not handle items in multiple folders well.  To make use of the folder and site fixup here, you should change this to pass
  `$sys.assemblyItem` as a parameter.  This allows the function to accesse the original site and folderid of the page in caluclating
  the correct folder and site for the passed in node.  Some of the other parameters on this method are no longer required as the
  values can be obtained from the `$sys.assemblyItem`.  This should be changed elswhere in the template code it is also used with these
  same parameters.
  Change the following line in User Velocity Macros:
  `#macro(imghelp $image $template)$rx.location.generate($template, $image, $rx.location.folderPath($image),$sys.assemblyItem.getFilter().getName(), $sys.assemblyItem.getSiteId().longValue(), $tools.number.toNumber($tools.list.get($sys.params.get('sys_context'), 0)) )#end`
 ` #macro(imghelp $image $template)$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, $template, $image)#end`

  Review the separate document outlining the changes to Ephox and check if inline template code requires modifications.

############################################# Patch B-01299 ###########################################################

This patch enables a new process to contexually calculate a valid site and folder id for a relationship based upon where it is being run.  This takes into account the current folder and site id of the root page being assembled as well as any folder and site id that were specified in the relationship when the link was created.  Before this broken links may occur if in the following cases due to the wrong folder site id.

- No folder id passed, from a view, or search result
- dependent items in multiple folders or sites (Copy as Link)
- Multiple sites with the same root folder path

Note further enhancements to this have been made to more recent patches, it is suggested you upgrade this patch version.

This new feature allows the system to resolve the link path based on several criteria:

1. Only one item: If an item is in only one folder in the entire system this feature should always link to only that

2. One or more copy of an item: If a copy of an item is created using copy as link, the system automatically
  calculates the right item version to link to even if the include folder or site was not selected in the content
  browser.  If include folder or site was not selected, the system will assume that the link is to the version that is
  in the closest folder path. Please note that for some unknown reason if such links are still broken, recreating the
  links by including the folder path in the content browser will ensure that the correct version of the item is linked.

  Example use case: The original version of an item is in the local site, but you want to link to the copy of this
  item from another site.
3.  Multiple sites with same folder path: There may be cases where more than one site is configured pointing to the
  same folder path. Such sites configurations allow publish the same site content to multiple servers like staging, qa
  or production. If you currently have this setup, turning on autofixFolderSiteIds feature will log errors to indicate  that additional configuration is required. If you have this configuration of see these messages in the server.log file see below for additional configuration.

## Change List ##

**D-01189** Publishing to Staging server de-activates "Rx inline links"

## Additional Configuration ##

 * **D-01189**   Fixup site and folder ids

By default this feature is disabled. To enable add `autofixFolderSiteIds=true` property in
 **Root/rxconfig/Server/server.properties** file.

 Some customers have more than one site definition pointing to the same root folder path in Content Explorer.  Doing this would originally could numerous issues when linking between sites,  this is becuase the system would treat the different site definitions the cause we now need to decide which of the site ids we link to when linking to an item in that folder.  This works by assuming that one of the sites is the default,  this would be the one we would link to if we have no further information.  In a configuration where we have separate site definitions for development, staging and production sites pointing at the same path the production would normally be the default.  Every other site with the same path needs to be assigned a group, e.g. development and staging groups.

The concept is that if we are publishing a development version of a site we would always link to a development version of another, site if available, if the other site does not have a development version we would create a link to the production version.

Once you have decided which site groups you have you need to modify the rxconfig/Server/server.properties file to mark which sites are in which group.  We do not need to include the default sites.

The site groups are configured using the following structure the groupName can be any name to identify the group.  the property is set to a comma delimeted list of all sites in that group.


 if staging site id is 305 then in server.properties file to
  create staging site group you need to have `siteGroups.staging=305`.  In case of multiple staging sites in the system,
  separate the site ids by comma as `siteGroups.staging=305,307`.

You will see errors in the server.log file if you map the same site to more than one group, if you allocate all sites to groups (e.g. no default), or if there is more than one site still without a group set.

############################################# Patch B-01297 ###########################################################

This fixes a patch install issue with Patch B-01267 where the updated EditLive files may not be updated based upon their timestamp.
### Change List ###
**D-01282** Update 7.3 patch 7.3 Install may not overwrite Ephox plugin jars

############################################# Patch B-01267 ###########################################################

Fix for ephox in a field group
### Change List ###
**D-01257** : Inline controls in Ephox EditLive 8.1 broken when the edit live field is in a field group


Upcoming Updates

7.3.2 Cumulative Service Release Update

The 7.3.2 update is also a platform security update focused on updating the Application Server technologies that Rhythmyx ships and runs on.  This security update is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2016.

Fusion UI

The new User Interface for Rhythmyx is scheduled to ship in December of 2016.  With Beta dates and Release Candidates planned later this year.  We will continue to maintain support for the Desktop Content Explorer when the Fusion UI is shipped to give customers ample time to upgrade, train, and get comfortable with the new user experience.  Patches to 7.3.2 and 7.3 will be available during this time.