Publishing Sitemaps

The system can automatically generate and publish a sitemap of the site in sitemap.xml format when the Full publishing edition is run on a site with sitemap generation turned on.   With this feature enabled a sitemap-index.xml and sitemap.xml will be generating containing entries for all site pages, sections, and assets that are published. 

To turn on Sitemap generation for a site, access the Navigation area, and access the Site Preferences by clicking the wrench next to the root navigation node for the site.  In the dialog, check the "Generate sitemap on full publish" checkbox to enable sitemap generation, uncheck the checkbox to disable sitemap generation for the site. 

Screenshot of Site Preferences dialog

When full publishing is completed, the generated sitemap will be accessible for the site root:

For example:

After publishing is complete, the public sitemap.xml and sitemap_index.xml urls may be submitted to search engines using Google Search Central or Bing Webmaster Tools.

Since 8.0.3 build 114