Configuring Repository and External Datasources

When upgrading to 7.3.2 or beyond, configured database settings from JBoss will automatically be copied across into their relevant Jetty files.

Rhythmyx database connections are in two parts, there is the JNDI datasource, and the Connection.  Note that the database user configured in Rhythmyx for database access should be assigned to db_owner role in MSSQL or connect & resource permission in ORACLE. 

The JNDI datasource defines the login and connection details to the database server, while the Connection  defines which Schema/Database within the instance that Rhythmyx will connect to.

There is always one default Connection, typically called "RhythmyxData", that the system uses to log into and query for all Rhythmyx related information.

Extra connections can be set up for Rhythmyx to be able to access external data containing information on workbench population of xml, dropdowns in content types.  Additional connections are also used with Database Publishing to be able to publish to external database tables.

Please note that there can be more than one connection pointing to the same datasource.

Connection and datasource information in jetty is stored in two files: jetty/base/etc/perc-ds.xml and jetty/base/etc/

The perc-ds.xml file

The perc-ds.xml file has an XML element for each JNDI datasource.  The datasource name is specified as the second <Arg> element and all other properties are referenced by an index id that refers to a configuration set in

In Jetty, we are now using HikariCP for our connection pools, which has improved performance greatly from the old pool used in JBoss.  

This file is managed by the RhythmyxServerPropertiesEditor executable a new block is added or removed with a different id when a datasource is added or removed. 

For more information on Hikari Configuration settings, visit the HikariCP wiki:

Example jetty/base/etc/perc-ds.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure
   PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">
< Configure class = "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" id = "Server" >
    < New class = "" id = "perc.ds.1" >
       < Arg />  
       < Arg >java:jdbc/RhythmyxData</ Arg
       < Arg >    
          < New class = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" >     
             < Arg >        
                < New class = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig" >           
                   < Set name = "poolName" >Hikari < Property name = "" /> Pool</ Set >           
                   < Set name = "connectionTimeout" >120000</ Set >           
                   < Set name = "minimumIdle" >
                      < Property default = "50" name = "perc.ds.1.connections.min" />
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "maximumPoolSize" >
                      < Property default = "50" name = "perc.ds.1.connections.max" />
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "idleTimeout" >
                      < Property default = "600000" name = "" />
                   </ Set >         
                   < Set name = "transactionIsolation" >TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</ Set >       
                   < Set name = "ConnectionTestQuery" >         
                      < Call class = "com.percussion.utils.container.jetty.PSJettyUtils" name = "connectionTestQuery" >
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "" />
                         </ Arg >
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.1.connectiontest" />
                         </ Arg >           
                      </ Call >         
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "driverClassName" >
                      < Property name = "perc.ds.1.driver.class" />
                   </ Set >            
                   < Set name = "jdbcUrl" >jdbc:< Property name = "" />:< Property name = "perc.ds.1.server" />
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "username" >
                      < Property name = "perc.ds.1.uid" />
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "password" >            
                      < Call class = "com.percussion.utils.container.jetty.PSJettyUtils" name = "decrypt" >            
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.1.pwd" />
                         </ Arg >            
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.1.pwd.encrypted" />
                         </ Arg >            
                     </ Call >      
                   </ Set >      
                </ New
             </ Arg >
          </ New >
       </ Arg >
    </ New >
    < New class = "" id = "perc.ds.2" >
       < Arg />
       < Arg >java:jdbc/RxData2</ Arg >
       < Arg >
          < New class = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" >
             < Arg >  
                < New class = "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig" >      
                   < Set name = "poolName" >Hikari < Property name = "" /> Pool</ Set >     
                   < Set name = "connectionTimeout" >120000</ Set >     
                   < Set name = "minimumIdle" >
                      < Property default = "50" name = "perc.ds.2.connections.min" />
                   </ Set >      
                   < Set name = "maximumPoolSize" >
                      < Property default = "50" name = "perc.ds.2.connections.max" />
                   </ Set >      
                   < Set name = "idleTimeout" >
                      < Property default = "600000" name = "" />
                   </ Set >       
                   < Set name = "transactionIsolation" >TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</ Set >       
                   < Set name = "ConnectionTestQuery" >       
                      < Call class = "com.percussion.utils.container.jetty.PSJettyUtils" name = "connectionTestQuery" >
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "" />
                         </ Arg >
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.2.connectiontest" />
                         </ Arg >
                      </ Call >         
                   </ Set >           
                   < Set name = "driverClassName" >
                      < Property name = "perc.ds.2.driver.class" />
                   </ Set >          
                   < Set name = "jdbcUrl" >jdbc:< Property name = "" />:< Property name = "perc.ds.2.server" />
                   </ Set >         
                   < Set name = "username" >
                      < Property name = "perc.ds.2.uid" />
                   </ Set >         
                   < Set name = "password" >          
                      < Call class = "com.percussion.utils.container.jetty.PSJettyUtils" name = "decrypt" >           
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.2.pwd" />
                         </ Arg >           
                         < Arg >
                            < Property name = "perc.ds.2.pwd.encrypted" />
                         </ Arg >         
                      </ Call >       
                   </ Set >     
                </ New >  
             </ Arg >
          </ New >
       </ Arg >
    </ New >
</ Configure >


The file

The values for all perc.ds.x property entries are stored in, located at {RHYTHMYX_HOME}/jetty/base/etc.

The values in the properties file can be changed to update the server, however it is recommended that instead of changing the properties file manually that the RhythmyxServerAdministrator tool is used.  The RhythmyxServerAdministrator tool will update both JBoss and Jetty property files.


Only one connection is labeled with the default=Y flag.  This is the repository connection that contains the Rhythmyx database that will be started with when Rhythmyx starts.

#Datasource 1 Information
# Connection 1 Information
# Connection 2 Information
# Connection 2 Information


Changing or setting password

If the password encrypted flag is set e.g. perc.ds.1.pwd.encrypted=Y , the password is expected to be encrypted and the server will attempt to decrypt it.  If you remove this flag, then you can add the password in plain text.  When the server next starts up it will automatically encrypt the password and change the encrypted flag to Y.

JBoss Equivalent files

Datasource information

In JBoss, the datasource information is stored in the AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rx-ds.xml file.  

Example Jboss AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rx-ds.xml
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< datasources >
    < local-tx-datasource >
       < jndi-name >jdbc/RhythmyxData</ jndi-name >
       < connection-url >jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost</ connection-url >
       < driver-class >net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</ driver-class >
       < security-domain >rx.datasource.jdbc_RhythmyxData</ security-domain >
       < min-pool-size >5</ min-pool-size >
       < max-pool-size >100</ max-pool-size >
       < idle-timeout-minutes >15</ idle-timeout-minutes >
       < background-validation >true</ background-validation >
       < background-validation-millis >60000</ background-validation-millis >
       < validate-on-match >true</ validate-on-match >
       < metadata >
          < type-mapping >MS SQLSERVER2000</ type-mapping >
       </ metadata >
    </ local-tx-datasource >
    < local-tx-datasource >
       < jndi-name >jdbc/RxData2</ jndi-name >
       < connection-url >jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost</ connection-url >
       < driver-class >net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</ driver-class >
       < security-domain >rx.datasource.jdbc_RxData2</ security-domain >
       < min-pool-size >5</ min-pool-size >
       < max-pool-size >100</ max-pool-size >
       < idle-timeout-minutes >15</ idle-timeout-minutes >
       < background-validation >true</ background-validation >
       < background-validation-millis >60000</ background-validation-millis >
       < validate-on-match >true</ validate-on-match >
       < metadata >
          < type-mapping >MS SQLSERVER2000</ type-mapping >
       </ metadata >
    </ local-tx-datasource >
</ datasources >


If <user-name> and <password> is added to this file instead of <security-domain>, on server startup the <user-name> and <password> is converted to <security-domain>, additionally the password is encrypted and placed in AppServer/server/rx/conf/login-config.xml

Example login information in login-config.xml
< application-policy name = "rx.datasource.jdbc_RhythmyxData" >
       < authentication >
          < login-module code = "" flag = "required" >
             < module-option name = "username" >rhythmyx</ module-option >
             < module-option name = "password" >7cf3be70d83a6948</ module-option >
             < module-option name = "managedConnectionFactoryName" >jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/RhythmyxData</ module-option >
          </ login-module >
       </ authentication >
    </ application-policy >


JBoss connection Information 

JBoss' connection Information was stored in AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rxapp.ear/rxapp.war/WEB-INF/config/spring/server-beans.xml.

This connection information may be also moved to the jetty equivalent file located at  jetty/base/webapps/Rhythmyx/WEB-INF/config/spring/server-beans.xml file, but this is ignored when started with Jetty and it is not modified with the RhythmyxServerAdministrator tool.  Instead, Jetty uses the file instead.  

Example datasource resolver configuration in JBoss server-beans.xml
< bean class = "com.percussion.utils.jdbc.PSDatasourceResolver" id = "sys_datasourceResolver" >
       < property name = "repositoryDatasource" value = "RhythmyxData" />
       < property name = "datasourceConfigurations" >
          < list >
             < bean class = "com.percussion.utils.jdbc.PSDatasourceConfig" id = "RhythmyxData" >
                < property name = "name" value = "RhythmyxData" />
                < property name = "dataSource" value = "jdbc/RhythmyxData" />
                < property name = "database" value = "RX732UP" />
                < property name = "origin" value = "dbo" />
             </ bean >
             < bean class = "com.percussion.utils.jdbc.PSDatasourceConfig" id = "TESTING" >
                < property name = "name" value = "TESTING" />
                < property name = "dataSource" value = "jdbc/RxData2" />
                < property name = "database" value = "TESTER" />
                < property name = "origin" value = "dbo" />
             </ bean >
          </ list >
       </ property >
    </ bean >