Migrating a Rhythmyx Instance from Windows to Linux

Note that this type of migration can be a high risk process and that it is vital that you back up your full Rhythmyx file tree, database, and web root folder before proceeding, and test your migrated Rhythmyx instance and web server before permanently moving users to the new Rhythmyx server. You will also need a new Rhythmyx license key for your new server. Please contact us for more details on this process.

Database Considerations

Your Rhythmyx installation uses a database which could be MSSQL, MySQL, or Oracle DB.

The database configuration file will be under /AppServer/server/rx/deploy/rx-ds.xml if you are running the application with JBoss, and it will be under /jetty/base/etc/perc-ds.properties if using Jetty. If you will be using the existing database for the migration to Linux, you do not need to update the database configuration file.

Please note that if you are planning to use the same database, the old Rhythmyx application on the Windows machine will try to connect to that database and make changes to it. You need to make sure multiple Rhythmyx instances are not pointing to the same database. Make sure that the old Windows Rhythmyx instance is not started, and disable any scripts that start Rhythmyx when rebooting the Windows server.

If you will be using a new database server, make sure to back up your database and file tree while Rhythmyx is not running.

Moving the Percussion CM1 tree

1) Note the version of Rhythmyx you are running (check the /Version.properties file). While Rhythmyx is not running, zip or compress the Rhythmyx installation tree and copy it to the new target Linux server.

2) On the target Linux server, download and extract the Linux installer of the same version of Rhythmyx you are currently running. You can find the downloads page here.

3) Run the installation SetupConsole.sh and install as a "New Install". Full Linux installation instructions can be found here. Choose the folder location you want Rhythmyx to install to - for example, /opt/Rhythmyx. Choose default options for all other installation questions, select a database driver for your database, then enter the connection string.

Note: It is recommended to run this install as a "percussion", so make sure to create the percussion user, group, and grant that user permissions to the target installation folder. Log in as this user and then run the setup script.

4.) Apply the patch to match with the same patch id as the Windows instance and follow all instructions in patch release notes. Make sure the instance starts up fine with no issues after the patch before proceeding to next step.

5) Extract the source Windows Rhythmyx installation tree to a temporary directory. For example /tmp/winbackup

6.) Delete the following files from the Windows backup folder using these commands:

rm /tmp/winbackup/rxconfig/Installer/rxrepository.properties
rm /tmp/winbackup/rxconfig/Installer/installation.properties

7.) Copy (with overwrite) the following files and folders from the Windows installation tree to your new Linux installation folder. Assuming the new Linux installation is under /opt/Rhythmyx, the commands are below:

cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/ObjectStore /opt/Rhythmyx/
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/rxconfig /opt/Rhythmyx/
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/Packages /opt/Rhythmyx/
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/rx_resources /opt/Rhythmyx/
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/web_resources /opt/Rhythmyx/
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/Extensions /opt/Rhythmyx
cp -Rf /tmp/winbackup/jetty/base/etc/* /opt/Rhythmyx/jetty/base/etc/

8.) Start your Rhythmyx Service using the daemon. If Rhythmyx does not start please see your server.log file your server.log (Rhythmyx/jetty/base/logs/server.log)

cd /opt/Percussion/bin
./RhythmyxDaemon start ..