Installing CM1 on Linux

The following is an install guide for Percussion which references commands for the Ubuntu version of Linux. For the RedHat equivalent commands see


Installation of the Percussion CMS daemon requires gawk and sysv-rc-conf 

These are not always included with Ubuntu.  Ubuntu installs the gawk package at the location, /usr/bin/gawk. Since the ./ script references the path, /bin/gawk, you must create a symbolic link to the newly-installed gawk executable. To install gawk and sysv-rc-conf, run the following commands as root:

Install gawk and create a symbolic link:
apt-get install gawk
ln -s /usr/bin/gawk /bin/gawk

Install sysv-rc-conf:
apt-get install sysv-rc-conf

If you attempt to install without gawk and sysv-rc-conf, installation will fail with an error that these commands are required.

For 64 Bit machines

If you do not have IA32 Java libraries installed prior to trying to install.

For CentOS based distributions you can install the 32 bit glibc library:

yum install glibc.i686


Before installing to Linux, you should create a user to install and run the Percussion CMS. This user should have root privileges to run the script required to complete the installation in this environment.  

Installation Procedure

1.    Download the Linux installation package.

2.    Untar the installation file to a convenient location on the machine where you want to install Percussion CM1. The unzipped file should include the following contents:

  • setup (directory)
  • readme.html (html file) 

3.    Change to the directory /CM1/setup, where CM1 is the location where you copied the CM1 directory.

4.    Run the script

The system extracts and starts the installation wizard.

5.    The first section of the installation is the introduction. Read the introduction and press the < Enter > key to continue.

6.    The installation wizard displays the URL of the license agreement. Access and read the License Agreement before responding to the installation wizard request:


Enter "Y" (Note: case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case) to accept the license agreement.

7.    The following section asks whether you are performing a new installation or an upgrade. If you have not installed Percussion on the machine before, the option defaults to new installation (1). If you have installed Percussion on the machine previously, the option defaults to upgrade (2). If the option defaults to (2), you can either select a new installation directory or upgrade an existing server.

8.    To install a new Percussion server, enter "1". (See Upgrading Percussion CMS for upgrade instructions.)

9.    The following section asks whether you are performing a basic or advanced install. The option defaults to Basic install (1). Enter “1” for a basic install or “2” for an advanced installation

10.   The next section asks you to define the installation directory. The installation directory defaults to /home/< username >/Percussion. You can change this to any other directory. Press the < Enter > key to continue. If the directory does not exist, the installation wizard asks if you want to create it. To create the directory, enter "yes" (Note: case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case) and press the < Enter > key.

If doing a basic install, proceed to step 18.

11.   The wizard prompts you to select the type of repository database.  To determine which repository database to select, review supported databases under System Requirements (see special note regarding Derby) before proceeding. Enter "1" to select the Embedded (Derby) database, "2" to select the MySQL database or "3" to select an MSSQL database. 

12.    If you selected "1" for Embedded database, go to Step 18. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

13.    The next prompt requests the database driver location. Enter the path to the database driver and press the < Enter > key.

Note (MySQL only): if you have not already downloaded a driver, go to and download jdbc driver version 5.1.17 or higher. Also, please note CM1 requires that stored data be encoded with the UTF-8 character set. When using MySQL to store content written in English, override the default character set and collation upon database creation with the following command:

mysql> create database [database name] character set UTF8 collate utf8_general_ci;

For languages other than English, see

14.    The wizard prompts you to enter the connection string to your repository database (//{host}:{port}). Enter the string (for example, //qa-mssql:3306) and press the < Enter > key. Then enter the Login ID and Password that will be used to connect to the database server.

If you see the warning that you entered incorrect information, enter "OK" followed by the < Enter > key. Then enter the correct information.

15.    The wizard prompts you with a database list. Enter the option number that identifies where the database will be installed. Press the < Enter > key.  Note: a blank database must exist prior to install and privileges must be granted to create views to the schema.

Note (MsSQL): Before listing the servers, the installer will prompt you for the Owner first. Select the dbo owner in order to display the proper database list.

16.    The wizard prompts you to enter the name for this datasource configuration. Accept the default name.

17.    The wizard next asks you to define the  ports.

  • The main port defaults to 9992, but you can change it to any valid port. Press the < Enter > key.
  • The server uses six additional ports. By default, these six port follow sequentially after the main port; by default, these are ports 9993 through 9998. It is possible that other applications on your server may use these ports, causing a port conflict. (NOTE: The database server and Tomcat web application server installed with Percussion each have a port of their own, but these cannot be configured during installation.)
  • If you do not want to configure these ports, enter "N" (Note: case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case) and press the <Enter> key.
  • If you do want to configure these ports:
  1. Enter "Y" (Note: case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case) and press the Enter > key.
  2. The installation wizard displays a warning about port conflicts and asks whether you want to continue to display the warning. Enter "Yes" to continue to display the warning or "No" to stop displaying the warning. (Note: case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case.) Press the < Enter > key.
  3. The installation wizard displays each of the ports you can configure. For each port, you can change to any valid port. After entering each port, press the <Enter> key.
Note: If you chose to continue to display the warning about port conflicts, it will be displayed again at this point. Enter "Yes" to continue to display the warning or "No" to stop displaying the warning. This is case-insensitive; it can be either upper-case or lower-case.
Press the < Enter > key.

18.    The installation wizard displays the Installation summary. Press the <Enter> key to continue the installation.

19.    If an error occurs during installation, the installation wizard displays a message informing you of the error and the location of a detailed log file. Look at the log file to determine the error.

20.    To complete the installation, change to the installation root directory and run the script You must have root privileges to run this script.

21.    The application requires phantomjs to be executable as this is required for thumbnails (specially when previewing the templates) to work properly. However, there are few packages that phantomjs depends on for its working. The packages are  "fontconfig" and "freetype". These packages can be installed using the following:

  • yum install freetype
  • yum install fontconfig

22.    See Install Percussion DTS on Linux for instruction on installing the Percussion Delivery Tier Service for Linux environments. 

See Starting the Percussion CM1 Server for details about starting the Percussion CM1 server after you complete the installation.  See Configuring Publishing and Publishing a Site for details on setting up your web servers and configuring a publishing site.