
Roles provide the ability to define sets of users and the content that they have permission to access.  Roles are used in workflow to determine who can perform which actions at each step of the content approval and publishing process.  

Out-of-the-box, users in Percussion are assigned to one of four Roles. The following Roles are available in Percussion:

  • Contributor
    Contributors do most of the initial content creation. In the default workflow, Contributors can only work on items in a Draft state.  In all other states, Contributors can view items but cannot modify them.
  • Editor
    Editors review content and approve it to be published. Editors can by default, edit, reject, submit or approve content in all states.
  • Admin
    Admins have all the rights that Editors have, but also have rights to take control of a page from a user that is currently editing it. This is useful to prevent content from "getting stuck" in the workflow. In addition, Admins have rights to configure the Percussion system and the design of the website by managing navigation, templates, publishing, and workflow. 
  • Designer
    A Designer has most of the same capabilities of the Admin; however, Designers cannot edit workflow, roles or users, and cannot create, copy or delete sites.   

When you create a new role, it will only have the ability to modify content. You cannot create a role, for example, that is responsible for template creation. That capability is limited to the default Admin and Designer roles.  

Once you have created a role, you determine what content it has access to and what actions it can perform by adding it to a workflow. See Managing workflow for more information.  

Permissions in Percussion are cumulative. If a user is assigned to more than one role, he will have the sum of the permissions from each of the roles. 

Roles also allow you to determine the homepage of the user.  If a user is assigned to more than one role with the homepage will be based on this priority sequence:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Homepage
  3. Editor page