Viewing Publishing Reports

Status of Current Jobs

The Status of Current Jobs section displays the current status of all publishing jobs currently running. When jobs are running, this section displays the following information:

  • Site Name of the sites being published
  • Status of the job, either "Running" or "Complete".
  • The Start Time of the job, based on the time of the server.
  • The Elapsed Time of the publishing job from the time it was initiated to the last time the browser was refreshed, or the job was completed if it was just recently completed.
  • The percentage of queued items to be published before the run is complete.

Publishing Log

The publishing log displays a summary of information about publishing runs that are running or have been completed.

  • View last: Drop list. Specifies the time range of logs displayed. Options are 3 days (view logs created in the last three days), 5 days, and 10 days.
  • Show: Drop list. Specifies the number of log summaries to display. Options are 20 items, 30 items, and 50 items.

The Publishing log summary includes the following information:

  • The Status of the job, either "Running" or "Completed".
  • The Date of the job.
  • The Start Time of the job, based on the time of the server, in the format hh:mm:ss AM/PM, Where hh is the hour, mm is the minute, ss is the second that the run was initiated, and AM/PM indicates whether the run began before or after noon.
  • The Site Name of the site that was published by the job.
  • The Elapsed Time of the job (in other words the total time to process the job).
  • The number of items Published
  • The Actions you can take on the log entry. Currently, "View Details" is the only action available. Clicking this link displays details for that job.

Publishing Log Details

When you click the View Details link for a publishing job, the Publishing Log section changes to the Publishing Log Details view, showing the detailed logs for the selected job.

 The top of the view displays the log summary for the job. For each item published, the following detailed information is displayed:

  • The Status of the job; options include:
    • Published
      The item was published to the site. Pages were either newly published (if they had not been published before) or updated (if they had been published before and had changed. Assets were either newly published (if they had not been published before) or replaced (if the asset had been published before and had been replaced with a new file).
    • Removed
      The item was removed from the site.
    • Failed
      The item could not be published. The details are reported in the Error column.
  • Location
    The path, relative to the publishing root, to the published item.
  • Elapsed Time
    The amount of time, in seconds, required to publish the item.
  • Error
    If an error occurred, the error details.