CM1 5.2.1 Release Notes

CM1 version 5.2.1 is now available to all customers. 5.2.1 is an interim service release to address some specific issues detailed below. However, this release is cumulative so it does include all features and fixes included in previous releases. If you are currently on a version earlier than  5.1, it is recommended that you review the specific upgrade instructions detailed in the release notes prior to upgrading.

Please see the downloads page for access to this release.

Customer Incidents

  • Google Analytics Authentication. Due to a change in the supported authentication methods, Google Analytics was failing to authenticate. CM1 has been updated to use the newer authentication and is now fully functional. Following this update, the process for configuring Google Analytics has changed. Please see this page for more information. 
  • Offline License Unable to Activate. CM1 was incorrectly reporting a tampered offline license in certain configurations: this has been resolved to ensure offline licenses are only invalidated when changes to the system are made, such as a new MAC address.


  • File Asset widget now generates indexable Metadata for Assets placed on Pages. Previously CM1 did not add metadata to file assets placed on pages. The File Asset widget now allows for the asset filename and title to be indexed by the Metadata service.
  • SEO improvement: H1 tags being added with additional spaces in the Title widget. The opening H1 tag in the Title widget was being published with additional spaces, i.e.: <H1  >. These additional spaces are flagged on SEO scans and have been removed.
  • SEO improvement: Perc_decoration.css registering as broken links on live website. This file is utilized within CM1 but was being referenced on published sites, and so resulted in a broken link. This file is no longer referenced in published pages and will be removed completely following a Full Publish (which should be done as part of the upgrade process). NOTE: See KNOWN ISSUES below for some users who have been affected by this.
  • Performance improvement during approve of assets. Performance issues were reported during the approval of assets used on a large number of pages (typically template level assets, such as headers and footers). The process of adding these pages to the indexing queue and the subsequent re-indexing has been improved to greatly decrease the time it takes to make changes to assets used on a large number of pages.
  • Code is briefly displayed in Chrome. When using CM1 in Chrome, code was being displayed briefly before the UI loaded. 
  • dayClick event support in the Calendar Widget. The dayClick event function is now supported within the Calendar widget. This allows you to configure an action to be triggered when a day is clicked on the calendar. To use this feature, you will need to add code to a page or template that uses the calendar. For example:
function percCalenderDayClick(div_id, object,date,allDay,jsEvent,view){
      if (allDay) {
        var d = new Date(date);
        $(div_id).fullCalendar('gotoDate', d).fullCalendar( 'changeView', 'agendaDay' );

Known Issues

  • Removal of perc_decoration.css may affect some live web pages. Some users may have live web pages using CSS referenced in this file.  If so, you may see some content moved to the bottom of your page on your live site (but not in the CM1 preview).  If you do run into styling issues after upgrade, try adding the styles below to your theme's main css file.  We will be adding these to the default Percussion theme in a future release.
.vspan_2 { height : 120px }
.vspan_4 { height : 240px }
.vspan_6 { height : 360px }
.vspan_8 { height : 480px }
.hspan_2 { width : 160px }
.hspan_8 { width : 640px }
.hspan_10 { width : 800px }
.hspan_12 { width : 960px }
#perc-content { margin : 0 auto }
#perc-container { margin: 0 auto; }
#content { margin : 0 auto }
#container { margin: 0 auto; }
.perc-horizontal > .perc-region { float : left }
.perc-horizontal > .clear-float { clear : both }
.ui-helper-clearfix:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
.ui-helper-clearfix { display: inline-block; }
* html .ui-helper-clearfix { height:1%; }
.ui-helper-clearfix { display:block; }
.perc-vertical > .perc-widget-puff { width:100%; }
.perc-row { float: none !important; display: block !important; }
.perc-col { float:left !important; }
.perc-clear { overflow:auto !important; height:100% !important; }