Troubleshooting Package Installation

Handling Warnings

The following warnings may occur when installing a package:

"Already exists"

The specified design object in the package already exists on the server, but is not associated with a package. You can continue the installation; if you do continue the installation, the package will take control of the design object (in other words, it will be configured as part of the package and will be uninstalled as part of the package).

"This object has been modified outside of allowed configuration."

The specified design object was modified directly in the Workbench. This message is returned for modifications to the Community visibility of the object as well as to the object data. If you continue installation, the design object will be updated to match the configurations defined in the configuration file. This warning only occurs when reinstalling or upgrading a package. It would not occur when initially installing a package.  

Handling Errors

The following errors may occur when installing a package:

"The package version you are trying to install is 1.0.0 and the version already installed is 2.0.0. You cannot install an older version of the same package."

You are attempting to install a package that is an earlier version than the package currently installed. Obtain and install a version of the package equal to or later than the version you are trying to install.

"The following packages are required to install this package: LIST"

You are attempting to install a package but it has dependencies on packages that are not currently installed. Obtain and install the packages required for the package you are attempting to install. Review the package documentation or contact the package publisher for information about the dependencies of the package.

"The following package dependencies differ from the version installed: LIST"

You are attempting to install a package that has dependencies on other packages; while the dependencies are installed on the system, the installed versions are not the required version to support the package you are trying to install. Obtain and install the required versions of the dependency packages. Review the package documentation or contact the package publisher for information about the required versions of the dependency packages.

"Package NAME was created on this server. You cannot install a package on the same server that the package was created on."

You are attempting to install a package on the same server where you created it. You cannot install a package on the same server where it was created. Install the package on a different server.