LiveFirst FAQs and Known Limitations

Can you import table-based sites?

You can import the site, but will not have the ability to break it down into regions using the Design Inspector

Can you import HTML5 pages?

You can import the site, but will not have the ability to break it down into regions using the Design Inspector

Can you import a Flash-based site?

You can import the site, but will not have the ability to break it down into regions using the Design Inspector

Can you import a form-based site?

If a site is structured with a single top level element under the body that is a form, you can import the site, but will not have the ability to break it down into regions using the Design Inspector. If you edit the meta-data to remove the form attribute, you can then break down the page using Design Inspector. 

Can I import a site managed by CM1 as a means of migrating servers?

No. Site Import adds certain CSS classes as part of the import process and there will be CSS class conflicts as a result for existing CM1 sites.

Can you import pages that use a frameset layout?

No. Site Import requires certain HTML elements to be present on the page in order to work. Older frameset based pages may not have these attributes

Can you import an ASP page?

Yes, however, you will be importing a static version of the page. For the purposes of importing a design this is typically a good staring point

Can you import a secure or membership based site?

No. There is no way currently to enter your credentials as part of the Site Import process.

Can you import flash files?

Yes, unless they are embedded through javascript.

Why are some of my images not appearing on my imported page?

Images that are dynamically loaded by JS may be missing. Also if an image has a source URL with a parameter, the system may not import the image.

Why are some elements of my pages are missing?

Elements rendered by JS on events are not imported such as hovering over a menu.

Why are attributes of my wrapper div missing?

Site Import will only import the ID and Class of a wrapper div. The user will have to manually enter any other attributes. However, we suggest moving the inline attributes as part of the CSS file.

Some of my floats don't look correct. Why?

If the siblings DIVs are in a combination of Regular Divs and Floated Divs - it may not work. It MAY work if the user splits them in right order.

Can you import dynamically generated javascript files?

In some circumstances, yes, but your script block may contain characters that can't be parsed by our Site Import. As a result, we would not be able to import your javascript.

How do you handle if I have redirects for resources on my site?

If your site has a 302 redirect, Site Import may not be able to retrieve the original resource. This will result in things such as images, javascript, etc not appearing in your page.

What happened to the attributes on my body tag?

Percussion does not support an ID and class on the body tag. These are stripped out by Site Import.

I have absolute or fixed position elements in my page. Why doesn't my layout look correct?

As CM1 adds wrapper divs in the layout mode, we include padding to allow you to manipulate those regions. This can result in the layout not appearing correct. However, when you preview or publish your page the layout will appear correct.

I know my page has regions, but the design inspector can't identify them. Why?

Certain javascript can cause conflicts with the Design Inspector. We recommend that you first disable javascript and then use the design inspector to break the page down into regions.

When I try to access the page I imported in CM1, the page freezes. What do I do?

A page that is imported using Site Import may have javascript in the head that can cause CM1 to become unresponsive. If that is the case, add the following token: "&disableJS=true" at the end of the url in the browser's address bar and hit enter. Eg: http://cm1Host:cm1Port/cm/app/?view=editTemplate&site=asdasd&path=%2FSites%2Fasdasd%2Fpage2%2F&memento={%22templateName%22%3A%22Box+-+Copy%22%2C%22templateId%22%3A%2216777215-101-1667%22%2C%22pageId%22%3A%2216777215-101-1668%22%2C%22view%22%3A1}&disableJS=true. This will allow you to load the page and then edit the template meta-data and comment out the javascript in question.