cm1 5.3 SR1 20190524 Patch

Patch ID - 5315_20190524

This is a cumulative/rollup patch for CM1 5.3 SR1.  This update includes an updated Navigation Widget that is compatible with the latest JQuery 3.4.x version.  Also included is a new JQuery Widget that allows customers to add their own version of JQuery to their templates, on a template by template basis. 

 Uninstalling the Patch

This patch includes an uninstall option to support rollback in the event the patch introduces a problem or issue. The patch can be downloaded from the Support portal. For instructions on installing or uninstalling the patch, please review the Readme file provided in the patch folder.

An updated list of Known Issues can be found at the bottom of this page.

For details on bug fixes and improvements in previous patch updates, please see the release notes for prior patches.  Links to prior patch release notes are provided below:

Installation Notes & Common Issues

Database Updates

Beginning with Patch 5315_20181221 the update engine now supports database schema updates as part of the update process.  As a result the patch relies on the installer database configuration file to successfully run.  In environments where the database setup has changed, or a server / RDBMS migration has occurred, it is possible that the installation database configuration file may be out of date which would cause the patch to fail.  To avoid this problem, prior to installing the Patch verify that the contents of the <InstallDir>/rxconfig/Installer/ file are correct.  Updating this file is covered in the Appendix A section of the Migrating Percussion Environments help page

Common Issues / Workarounds

Updates can occasionally Fail to apply for a variety of reasons.  To help streamline troubleshooting, we have created a new Common Issues / Workarounds page to collect the steps to correct these issues if you run into them when patching.  As always if you run into a problem applying a patch, please contact the Technical Support team at, and they will be happy to assist.

Issues addressed in this patch:

[CMS-5682] - Navigation Widget incompatible with the Jquery 3.4.x

The Navigation widget has been updated and has been tested with the latest jQuery 3.4.1 version.  The version of the Superfish plugin has also been updated including several updates for improved touch support on mobile devices and various browser compatibility updates.  In testing, there were some changes to padding in the Navigation widget that may require an update to custom themes. 

[CMS-5705] - Update sys_assembly.vm to skip the resource load of system provided jQuery if the jQuery widget is present

The main system velocity macros responsible for rendering pages have been updated to not publish Percussion's provided jQuery version if the jQuery widget is configured for published pages on a template.  

[CMS-5706] - Create a JQuery Widget that will control the version, source, and injection location of the Jquery included on a template/page

A new jQuery widget has been added to the system to allow Designers to add their own version of jQuery to the Page Templates.  When the jQuery widget is configured, the system Jquery library version will not be published to the website. A future update will allow Site wide configuration of jQuery and other globally used frameworks. 

[CMS-5715] - perc-common-ui.js is included on all pages - should only be included on Pages that use it

A Page Speed improvement was made to the perc-common-ui.js library where it will now only be referenced on pages that use a widget that relies on it.  The perc-common-ui-slim.js library, which is a trimmed down version of the library with core functions, will be included on all Pages instead. 

Known Issue List

  • [CMS-5680] Performance - DTS Logs getting flooded with errors when perc-common-ui is accessed from published pages

    An issue has been reported where the catalina.log seems to get flooded with Null pointer exceptions whenever the CORS resource was accessed by a dynamic widget.  The request is still processed. We are still investigating the problem.

  • CMS-5294 - The Ignore Unmodified Assets publishing feature does not work correctly on systems with 2000 or more Assets.  We recommend that this option be unchecked in your publishing configuration to avoid publishing failures. 
  • CMS-3614 - After applying the patch end users may need to clear their browser cache in the CM1 user interface in order to see the new changes to the Rich text Editor and plugins.
  • CMS-3257 - Customers using the MySQL database server as the backing database for the DTS, will lose the MySQL Connector jar if it was previously placed into the <InstallDir>/Deployment/Server/perc-lib directory.  To correct this problem the MySQL Connector for Java may be installed or symlinked into the <InstallDir>/Deployment/Server/lib directory. Percussion does not include this connector as part of our installation due to license incompatibility issues.
  • CMS-3490 - Customers patching the DTS on Windows Servers will need to reinstall the DTS Windows service by using the "<InstallDir>\Deployment\Server\bin\service.bat remove" and  "<InstallDir>\Deployment\Server\bin\service.bat install" commands. Once the service has been successfully re-installed, the Percussion DTS Windows Service will start.