Setting up Categories

Categories provide the ability to organize pages according to a controlled vocabulary of your choosing. This offers you another way to organize content, and will allow your site visitors to easily find content of interest to them.

To define categories and sub-categories, User should navigate to Admin screen and from there user should navigate to 'Category' tab.

Add Categories

1. User will find two 2 panel for working on category section. on left sided panel user can see all the created categories list with their children in hierarchy  and on right side panel user can add/edit detail of the categories.

2. To create a new category click on "Add new Category" icon on right side panel and after clicking on this icon "Save" and "Cancel" button get visible.

3. Provide all the details and click on "Save" button will create a new category and will be reflected in left sided panel. 

4. You can add child/sibling category under any Category node by selecting the appropriate category from left sided panel, click on "Add new child" button and provide all the details and click "Save" button, the created node will be reflected in left sided panel.

Edit Categories

To edit category, select the category you wish to modify and from right side panel click on "Edit category" icon, modify all the required data and click on "Save" button will update all the details for the category.

Delete Categories

To delete category, select the category you wish to remove and from right side panel click on "Delete category" icon , a confirmation popup will be displayed and by clicking on "Ok" button will remove the category and it will be removed from the left side panel list.


You will now be able to categorize pages when in the meta-data editor. For more information, see the page on the Category List Widget.